Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Maryland Governor's Patriot Medal

On Tuesday December 18th, 2007 - John was awarded the Governor's Patriot Medal from the State of Maryland. There were about 25 awardees, including Maryland police officers, firefighters, first responders, and military men and women who died in the line of duty. The presentation was made at the Maryland State House in Annapolis, and the Governor and Lt. Governor were among those who spoke movingly in tribute of those honored.

John's parents were there, along with John's Aunt Linda and Uncle John and John's cousin David. Here are pictures of the front and back of the medal, along with a picture of everyone after the medal presentation. Here is a picture of the medals before they were presented; and a picture during the benediction during the service. More official photos can be found here.

After the service, John's parents and Aunt & Uncle visited John's grave at Arlington. Here is a picture of the wreaths, and a another picture of the medal.

John's parents also recently received a Gold Star Service Banner and fly it at their home.

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